Bookmarks 'n Blankets

Ep. 73 - 2024 Mid-Year Freak-Out Book Tag | Best & Worst Books of the Year So Far

July 07, 2024 Kelly Episode 73

We are already halfway through the reading year, so I’m doing the ultra-popular mid-year freakout book tag. I will talk about the good, the bad, and the surprising. Come find out which books I’ve deemed the best and worst of the year so far.

You can find the companion blog here.

Mid-Year Freak-Out Book Tag Questions: 

  1. Best Books of 2024 So Far
  2. Best Sequels of 2024 So Far
  3. Biggest Disappointments of 2024 So Far
  4. New Releases I Haven’t Read But Want To
  5. Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of the Year
  6. Biggest Surprises of 2024 So Far
  7. Favorite New Author (Debut or New to Me)
  8. Books I Learned the Most From
  9. A Book That Made Me Cry
  10. Books That Made Me Happy
  11. Most Beautiful Book Cover I’ve Bought or Received So Far This Year
  12. Books I Need to Read Before the End of 2024
  13. My Favorite Genres of the Year So Far
  14. Books You Want to Reread This Year
  15. Books You’ve Been Putting Off
  16. A Book You Enjoyed with Mixed Reviews
  17. A Series You Want to Finish Before the End of the Year
  18. Five-Star Predictions for the Rest of the Year
  19. Do You Think You’ll Reach Your Reading Goal or Will You Change It?
  20. Any New Goals for the Rest of the Year?

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